International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


What Causes Abandoned Residential Housing Projects in Malaysia? An Insight from Economic and Management Perspectives

Open access
In Malaysia, the issue and the phenomena of abandoned housing project in the country remained unsolved and become national issue discussed by various parties. The parties involved are blaming each other, the government blamed by the homebuyers due to its failure to enforce the law to developers. On the other hand, the developers blamed the bankers and the local authorities. The local authorities blamed the architect and the building engineers of their failure to submit the report work progress on the ongoing projects. Thus, this research aims to answer the question about the causes of abandoned housing project in Malaysia from economics and management theory perspectives supported by empirical studies by scholars. From the finding, both perspectives; economic theory and management theory revealed that the causes of abandoned residential housing projects in Malaysia can be caused by private developers, housing contractors, the government or authorities, financial institutions, economics crisis, and politics.