International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Conceptualizing User Satisfaction toward a Library Quality at Malaysia Nuclear Agency Library

Open access
This paper discusses the conceptual framework on user satisfaction towards library quality in Malaysia Nuclear Agency Library. Based on the framework there are five main independent variables which are environment, facilities, services, staff and collections of the library and one dependent variable which is user satisfaction used in this study. The objective of this paper is to identify the significant relationship between user satisfaction and the library quality in Malaysia Nuclear Agency Library. This paper gives an overview of a library quality that a Malaysia Nuclear Agency Library is supposed to have to satisfy its users and at the same time meet the user needs and demands. In addition, this study will help the library to improve and increase its library quality in order to ensure it can provide excellent and good library quality for its users. Therefore, it will encourage the users to come and visit the library regularly and it will also show the success of the library in delivering and providing its services for the users.