International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Teaching and Learning Computer Programming Using Gamification and Observation through Action Research

Open access
This study was conducted to explore the effectiveness of teaching and learning programming using gamification approach. The research design used was an action research and a total of 225 students of Community College in Selangor, Malaysia has taken part in this study. All participants are divided into ten cycles of action research. Data collection has been done through structured observation and analysed using SWOT analysis techniques. The findings show that various weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats have been identified from reflection of teacher, students, educational expert as well as the researcher itself. Improvements have been made in every cycle and at the end of cycle shows that gamification is a good approach to teaching and learning computer programming as well as increasing student’s achievement and motivation. This study has given the best impact on the field of computer programming education. However, the enhanced of this study should be done and the experimental design is suggested to be used for future studies.