International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Quality Assurance in Nigerian University Education: The Role of the National Universities Commission (NUC) as a Regulatory Body

Open access
Nigerian possesses the largest university system in sub-saharan Africa with about 129 Federal, State and Private universities. Enrolling over 900,000 sub-degree, undergraduate and post-graduate students. The system embraces much of the country’s research capacity and produces most of its skilled professionals. But unfortunately, the system has been riddled with problems ranging from poor funding, low levels of investment in research capacity and exponential increase in students enrolment with a non-corresponding expansion in facilities and material resources. These no doubt resulted in the poor quality of teaching and learning in the system. A multidimensional and holisitic approach is needed to address the issue of quality assurance, quality control and quality enhancement in the university sector.
This paper discussed briefly the historical development of university education in Nigeria from the colonial time to post independence era. It also highlights the roles of the National University Commission (NUC) with regards to quality and also x-rays the challenges that have constrained the operation of the commission. The paper concluded by suggesting recommendations that might be of help to overcome the identified challenges and further enhance the quality of university education in Nigeria.