International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Contributions of High Enrollment and its Effects on the Implementation of Life Skills Education in Public Secondary Schools in Kuria East sub-County, Migori County, Kenya

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Life-Skills Education has been found to important for survival everywhere including schools. The study was guided by this objective: To establish contributions of high enrollment and its influence in the implementation of Life-Skill Education (LSE) in public Secondary Schools in Kuria East Sub-County, Kenya. Secondary schools in this sub-county have been experiencing life coping challenges among students as compared to other Sub-counties in the region. A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was adopted. Kuria East sub-county has 12 public secondary schools. The targeted population was 12 head teachers, 447 public secondary school teachers, while 40 of them who taught life skill education were considered. The researcher used convenient sampling technique to select 12 principals for they are the only existing ones and snowballing sampling was employed in selecting 40 teachers who specifically teach life skill education in the sub-county. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, in-depth interview, observation and document analysis. Reliability of the instruments was addressed through piloting in 5 schools and reliability coefficients were obtained by subjecting the instruments to a Split-half Technique and Spearman “Brown Prophesy formula” .To ensure face and content validity of the research instruments, 2 experts in the department of Curriculum and Instruction, Kisii University were requested to scrutinize the research instruments so as to validate them. Data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings and conclusions of the study were generated from the analysis. The study found out that greater majority (n=37; 77%) of the respondents indicated that the number of students in class have an effect on the implementation of LSE. The researcher therefore recommended that LSE teachers be given lesser load so as to enable them balance their teaching time with life skills education because of too much workload as much of the time was used in an effort to try and cover the wide syllabus.