International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Integrating Forensic Accounting into the Accounting Curriculum in Nigerian Universities: Challenges and Remedies

Open access
Following the spate of corporate scandal around the world, there has been an increased demand for professionals trained in forensic accounting. However, despite the increase in demand for forensic accountants, studies show that no Nigerian university is offering forensic accounting course.
This study therefore investigates the challenges inhibiting Nigerian universities from integrating forensic accounting course into the accounting curriculum. Results of findings indicated that the demand and interest in forensic accounting in Nigeria is expected to increase. The study further revealed that the challenges of integrating forensic accounting into accounting curriculum in Nigeria are more of academic and administrative bottleneck.
The study thus, recommends some remedies to overcome these challenges. Without any equivocation, these results will be useful to universities that are considering integrating forensic accounting education into their accounting curriculum.