International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Motivation of Students Studying Abroad: Case of Foreign Students in European University of Lefke (Eul)

Open access
The aim of this study is to explore the factors which determine students’ motivation to study abroad and effective factors in choosing country. A survey was conducted to some international students at the European university of Lefke in Northern Cyprus.

Hundred foreign students (non-Turkish students) at the European university of Lefke in Northern Cyprus were interviewed by applying convenience sampling and face to face method. The main findings of the research are as follows.

The most important factors of studying abroad are “experiencing another student life in another country”, “experience another culture”, “future work possibilities”, and “personal experience” respectively.

The most important factors of choosing country in studying abroad are “It was important with a low crime rate in the country”, “It was important with high education level in the country”, and “It was important with the culture in the country” respectively.