International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Assessing Discipline Handling and Grievance Management Procedure in Educational Service in Ghana

Open access
Discipline and grievance management is part of organizational management. This study was carried out to assess the knowledge level of educational service employees concerning discipline and grievance handling procedure. Questionnaires were administered randomly to 540 educational service employees in various educational sectors and ranks. The result indicated that conflict of interest and disobedience are the main forms of indiscipline among the educational service workers sampled. The result further indicated that educational workers had adequate knowledge about the disciplinary actions stipulated in the educational service statutes for corresponding offences. In addition, there is a grievance handling procedure which all the workers are aware of and management team members followed this procedure in addressing employee’s grievances brought before them. The study revealed that this procedure is every effective and management attached seriousness to decisions emanating from it. Hence employees also have some level of trust in the grievance procedure in the educational service. The study concludes that seminars should be organize for management team members to beef up their capacity in grievance management and grievances handling should be introduce at colleges to equip the trainees.