International Journal of Academic Research in Psychology


Stress and Depression in Destitute and Normal Females

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The present study was aimed to explore the significance of differences if any between normal and destitute married females on their stress and depression levels. The females (35 normal and 35 destitute) were assessed on stress and depression by using ICMR Psychological stress questionnaire (Srivastava, 1991-92) and Beck depression inventory (1994). Data were analysed by using quantitative and qualitative analysis. Results have revealed the significant differences between normal and destitute females on stress (t=49.29**, P<.01) and depression (t=50.20**, P<.01) i.e. destitute females have reported significantly higher level on stress and depression than normal females. Case studies have further authenticated the results. Overall, results indicate a great need to provide social, emotional and financial support to destitute females to promote their overall well-being and mental health by giving insight into their problems.
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In-Text Citation: (Anita Sharma, 2014)
To Cite this Article: Anita Sharma. (2014). Stress and Depression in Destitute and Normal Females. International Journal of Academic Research in Psychology, 1(1), 1–7.