International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


New Aspects of Health and Safety at Work in the Police Operational Environment

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The current paper seeks to bring in front one of the most serious emerging risks with which policemen are confronted in their work, a risk which often falls within the usual term of work-related accident, namely the results of the actions of a certain category of citizens directed against police officers involving striking or other violence, bodily injury, injuries causing death or even murder.
These kind of risks harm the physical integrity or influences health and sometimes even leads to the death of the police officer and to show this risks we took into account the statistical indicators of the main operational structures within the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the period 2017-2018, by comparison with those available at the Moldavian National Police level retrieve from open source databases. The analysis of the specific indicators of work-related accidents caused by the aggressions at the level of the police structures in the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs is an area rarely analyzed at national level, because the national data refer to the total of work-related accidents, being difficult to classify them according to how these accidents occurred.
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In-Text Citation: (Achim, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Achim, A.-C. (2019). New Aspects of Health and Safety at Work in the Police Operational Environment. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 8(2), 1–11.