International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


The Analysis of Social Network on Business Performance of Women: The Mediating Role of Innovation

Open access

Rahmat Magajiya Aliyu, Tunku Salha Binti Tunku Ahmad, Norshahrizan Binti Nordin, Isah Mohammed Abdullahi

Pages 75-86 Received: 11 Dec, 2018 Revised: 16 Feb, 2019 Published Online: 29 Mar, 2019
The study analysed the effects of Social Network (SN) on the Business Performance (BP) of women in Nigeria using Innovation (I) as a mediator in order to improve the performance of Women which at the long-run will contribute positively towards the increase of Nigeria GDP. Data required for the study was collected from the Women Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) operating in the North-Western Nigeria using a survey design using a systematic random and stratified disproportionate sampling. A designed questionnaire has been distributed across the target population of 576 through self-administration. In order to evaluation the proposed data, the study has adopted the PLS-SEM. The results shown that SN and Innovation are important strategic for women MSMEs performance in the North-Western Nigeria. The findings also revealed that women MSME performance depends on the degree of SN of the business performance. Innovation was found to mediate the effects between SN and business performance of women. The outcomes of this research will provide important insights to women owner and managers of MSMEs, policy makers and also the researchers to better understand the impacts of SN and I on women MSME performance. Women MSMEs should also be encouraged to improve their SN and I which may increase their performances.
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In-Text Citation: (Aliyu, Ahmad, Nordin, & Abdullahi, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Aliyu, R. M., Ahmad, T. S. B. T., Nordin, N. B., & Abdullahi, I. M. (2019). The Analysis of Social Network on Business Performance of Women: The Mediating Role of Innovation. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 8(1), 75–86.