International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Effect of Virtual Management on Employee Performance in Selected E-Business Firms in Lagos State, Nigeria

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This paper examines effect of virtual management on employee performance in selected e-business in Lagos state, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study included: to determine the extent to which virtual communication affects employees’ effectiveness and Ascertain the extent to which virtual collaboration affects employees’ productivity. The study adopted the survey design. Four selected e-commerce firms in Lagos state, Nigeria were used for the study. The population of the study was 414 staff of the four e-commerce firms which were selected purposively based on the fact that they are the major e-commerce firms in Nigeria. The sources of data for the study were primary and secondary sources. Data were collected using questionnaire research instrument on a five point likert scale. The validity of the instrument was measured using content validity, and was done by five management experts from both the industry and the academia. Data collected were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis and the analysis of variance (ANOVA), at 5% profitability level of significance. The findings revealed that: Virtual communication had a significant positive effect on employees’ effectiveness in selected e-commerce firms in Lagos state, Nigeria(r =0.924; t = 10.12; F = 85.63; p = 0.001 < 0.05). Virtual collaboration significantly affected employees’ productivity in selected e-commerce firms in Lagos state, Nigeria (r =0.886; t = 9.412; F = 61.45; p = 0.001 < 0.05). From the findings of this study, therefore, it was concluded that, virtual management is a good tool for reducing the overhead cost in selected e-commerce firms in Lagos state, Nigeria. The study recommended that management of e-business firms’ needs to increase the quantity of time spent on virtual communication and eliminates a roadblock that tends to disrupt virtual collaboration.
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In-Text Citation: (Okechukwu, Egbo, & Isikuru, 2017)
To Cite this Article: Okechukwu, E. U., Egbo, D. E., & Isikuru, H. O. (2017). Effect of Virtual Management on Employee Performance in Selected E-Business Firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 6(3), 214–229.