International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Economic Growth, External Debt and Budget Deficit in Jordan: ARDL Approach

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The current study aims to investigate the impact of economic growth and external debt on budget deficit in Jordan for the period (1993-2017), the study used unit root test, autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) approach , Bound test, to examine the study hypotheses. ARDL bound test and ARDL cointegration proven that there is a long run relationship exists between economic growth, external debt and budget deficit in Jordan. The ARDL long run coefficients show that economic growth has a negative significant impact on budget deficit while external debt has a positive significant impact . In the short run the empirical results show that the budget deficit lags (1,2) have a positive and significant impact on current budget deficit while external debt lags (2, 3) have negative significant impact on budget deficit in Jordan.
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In-Text Citation: (Al-Qudah & Jaradat, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Al-Qudah, A. M., & Jaradat, M. A. (2018). Economic Growth, External Debt and Budget Deficit in Jordan: ARDL Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 7(4), 151–165.