International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Impact of Entrepreneurial Development on Employment Creation in Cross River State: A Case of The National Directorate Of Employment

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The National Directorate of employment was established some decades ago by the then military administration to assist government in job creation through well-articulated entrepreneurial development programmes. However, over the years, concerns of scholars have been to examine how the National Directorate of Employment has been able to provide employment to our teaming population. Therefore, this study examined the impact of National Directorate of employment entrepreneurial development programmes in job creation in Calabar Municipality Council. A survey research method was adopted using simple test of proportion to analyze data collected via a well-structured questionnaire aimed at soliciting first hands information from the respondents. However, we discovered that the National Directorate of Employment overtime have formulated and implemented different entrepreneurial development programmes aimed at employment creation. By and large, the fact remains that these programmes has no significant positive impact on the lives of trainees and trainers in Calabar Municipality. Therefore, the study amongst others, suggests increased budgetary allocation, review of NDE entrepreneurial development programmes as well as the establishment of more training centers in all the States in Nigeria. This will assist the agency perform her constitutional functions effectively. It is believed that if these policy recommendations are considered, the number of jobs created in Calabar Municipality in particular and Nigeria in general will increase significantly in no distance time.
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In-Text Citation: (Ndem, Effiong, & Obot, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ndem, B. E., Effiong, C. E., & Obot, I. S. (2018). Impact of Entrepreneurial Development on Employment Creation in Cross River State: A Case of The National Directorate Of Employment. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 7(4).