International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Social Capital and Survival Strategies of the Poor in the Rural Community in Aceh, Indonesia

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This study aims to examine how the relationship between social capital and poverty in poor households in Aceh. Our analysis tries to explain how social capital affects the opportunities of a poor household to get out of poverty. From statistical tests using logistic regression, the social capital that is owned will increase the chances of getting out of poverty by 0.576 times greater than the people who have low social capital. The highest chance of getting out of poverty is 0.86 times greater. While the head of a woman's household causes the opportunity to become poor 0.46 times greater than the head of a male household.
Social capital is an asset owned by the people of Aceh that can provide them with ways to survive and get out of poverty or at least continue to survive even in poor conditions. Networks or involvement in organizations that are built in society, trust and cooperation are a form of social capital that has a contribution in how to survive. in this case, social capital becomes a strength or potential that can be developed to empower the poor.
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In-Text Citation: (Busra, Masbar, Sabti, & Nasir, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Busra, Masbar, R., Sabti, A., & Nasir, M. (2018). Social Capital and Survival Strategies of the Poor in the Rural Community in Aceh, Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 8(4), 78–88.