International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


The Interdependence between the Domestic Legal Order and the International Legal Order

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International relations are social relationships which are born and developed according to the foreign policy of each state. States aim to regulate these relations in order to ensure a better collaboration between them. Legal provisions which are applied on the territory of a state form the domestic legal order, and are closely related to the international legal order which is formed by the assembly of international legal norms comprised in international law, that is created on the consent of the states to ensure the development of international relations.
Although they are different, between the two legal orders, there is a close interdependence determined by the relationships they govern and by the connection which exists between the internal and external policy of the states. Some of the norms in international law can be applied in the domestic law, as states adopt a certain conduct and their legislation cannot be contrary to this conduct and, at the same time, some norms and principles in internal law can generate effects and influence international law, as, for example, the principle of national sovereignty or the principle of equality of rights, principles which were enshrined by the French revolution, which have been taken over in international law.