International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Evaluation of Technological Environment on Organizational Performance among Selected Medium Scale Enterprise in Enugu State

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Business organizations the world over are sufficiently environmental dependent and environmental serving because they do not exist in a vacuum. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of technological environment on organizational performance. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the role technological environment on organizational customer satisfaction and organizational market share among selected Small and medium scale enterprises in Enugu. Descriptive research design was adopted in the study among 217 staff of the selected medium scale enterprises in Enugu. Structured questionnaire was used in collecting data which was presented in tables. The result of the study shows that Technological environment has no significant role on organizational customer satisfaction among selected Small and medium scale enterprises in Enugu (R = .782a, p =.000) and technological environment has a significant effect on organizational market share among selected Small and medium scale enterprises in Enugu (R = .835a, p =.000). The study recommended that the management of medium scale enterprise should look deeply inward and see how best they can utilized the technological advancement in achieving the organizational goal of customer satisfaction
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In-Text Citation: (Okechukwu & Okoronkwo, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Okechukwu, E. U., & Okoronkwo, B. O. (2018). Evaluation of Technological Environment on Organizational Performance among Selected Medium Scale Enterprise in Enugu State. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 7(3), 267–280.