International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Role of Sunrise Club in Strategic Capacity Building for Sustainable Development of Inyi Autonomous Communities

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This paper is an evaluation of the role of Sunrise club in strategic capacity building for sustainable development of Inyi autonomous communities. The broad aim of this paper is to examine the strategies for capacity building for sustainable development of the autonomous communities of Inyi, in order to achieve this aim the specific objectives were designed to; assess the steps of strategic interventions in capacity building in Inyi autonomous communities; to evaluate the role of Sunrise Club explain various types in effective capacity building in sustainable development of Inyi communities; to examine the challenges of effective capacity building in Inyi communities; to explore the way forward for improved strategic capacity building for the sustainable development of Inyi. The research method adopted in this work is the descriptive survey design. Data were sourced through interviews. Both the founding fathers and ordinary members of the Sunrise Club were interviewed. The interviews were conducted by face to face through internet and telephone calls and massages. Secondary data were mainly used. Data collected through this method furnished information on the role and activities of Sunrise Club, foundations and philanthropists active in Inyi communities. The paper concluded, that as far as Inyi is concerned, community capacity building is much more than training, it also includes human resources development, it is the process of equipping individual citizens of Inyi with the understanding, skills, and access to information technology, knowledge and training that enable them to perform effectively and sustain a quality of life.