International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


A Study on Stress Management and its Impact among Students

Open access
Stress is a frustrating condition where it contains an excess of work and an overload which reduces the concentration, mentality and the normal working condition of any students. This study examines the impact of stress on students’ and stress management among students. The main objectives were to ascertain or identify the extent to which stress affects students’ academic success, health and general lifestyle, as well as to inquire about the effects of existing stress in students. A quantitative method was used in gathering and analyzing the data. For this purpose, questionnaires were distributed to students, who consisted of Post Graduate qualification. The result obtained shows that nearly 40% of students feel stress in getting support from the faculty members, fear of examination, lack of understanding the subject and feeling more stressed in academic performance. The result has also identified that they is no difference among the genders in experiencing the stress, were by both genders equally face impact of stress in their performance. Stress can however be managed using various stress revealing techniques and also introducing stress management course as part of the students’ extracurricular activities.