International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


The Role of Research Institutions in Product Innovativeness among Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kisumu Town, Kenya

Open access
This study aimed at determining the role of research institutions in product innovativeness (PI) in the context of manufacturing SMEs in Kisumu, Kenya. Using a cross sectional survey design with a sample size of 126, a six-predictor logistic model was fitted to the data to test whether collaboration with partners and research institution technology could have an effect on product innovativeness of manufacturing SMEs in Kisumu. Three predictors (search for new product ideas, externally sourced product/market information, and research institutions technology transfer were significant positive predictors of product innovativeness. Therefore, it implies that collaboration with partners and technology transfer by research institutions enhances SMEs’ product innovativeness. Therefore the promotion of collaborations with partners and technology transfer by research institutions for purposes of sharing information/ accessing the diverse knowledge base on new product design, development and production.