International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Planning using Hoshin Kanri

Open access
This paper describes a technique for planning, known as Hoshin Kanri. It is a system of management policy considering the direction, target and means. It emphasizes on the mutual operation of resources with the concept of total quality management to achieve the highest goal by supporting and linking the potential of organization.
The problem of applying the concept of planning using Hoshin Kanri, is that it can tend to challenge the traditional authoritarian strategic planning models, which have become the paradigms of modern business. Yet Hoshin Kanri provides an appropriate tool for the declaration of the strategic vision of business while integrating goals and targets in a single holistic model. There have been various adaptations of Hoshin Kanri to align the technique of western thinking and management approaches, yet outside japan its significance has gone largely unreported.
It is proposed that Hoshin Kanri is an effective methodology for planning, which has a number of benefits over the more conventional planning techniques. The benefits of Hoshin Kanri as a tool for planning compared to conventional planning systems include: integration of strategic objectives with tactical daily management, the application of the plan-do-check-act cycle to business process management and parallel planning.This paper suggests a methodology that focuses on the vision of Hoshin Kanri.