International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


The Importance of Strategic Marketing Planning in accessing European Funds in Tourism

Open access

Anamaria – Catalina Radu, Raluca Florentina Tita, Alexandra Pricop, Ana- Maria Bacsis

Pages 170-177 Received: 30 Nov, -0001 Revised: 30 Nov, -0001 Published Online: 26 Apr, 2017
Technological developments in recent years have led to changes in several fields. In this situation, a number of companies were forced to reorganise their strategies and use their skills to face the increasingly stronger competition. Studies conducted earlier in the literature have shown that organisations can succeed on the market if they are permanently preoccupied to improve its organisational structure, strategies, staff and processes. Strategic planning plays a very important role in companies, serving to improve processes carried out in enterprises. This paper aims to study how EU funds for tourism were allocated through the Regional Operational Programme in the development regions in the country and how strategic planning can be used in this area to facilitate absorption and to ensure that the results have a strong impact in the country.