International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Improving Corporate Performance with the Effect of Human Capital Management And Corporate Values: A Case Study in Government-Owned Bank In Indonesia

Open access
In 2010, a government –owned bank (hereinafter referred to bank XYZ) initialized IPO and become the very first government-owned bank that go public. With this initiative, bank XYZ sees the necessary to transform not only their system, but also their values and talents to support their business growth. The need to transform push bank XYZ to understand what factor that affecting their performance. With this very reason, researcher conduct a research to measure performance based on HCM factor and corporate values factor in bank XYZ. Researcher conducts interview and questionnaire to gather the data with total sample of 150 employees. The data collected was measured by using partial least square (PLS) and the result is contradictive with general theory of human capital management where HCM supposed to be affecting performance positively, further explanation will be discussed in analysis result. With the affection of 21.7%, there is still 78.3% other factor that still unexposed or unknown by researcher.