International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences


Socio Economy Gap Analysis of Local Communities in District of Bentong, Pahang

Open access
Over the years, the infusion of private and public entity roles in the context of the socio-economic development of Malaysia is deemed viable as reinforced by the need to address the socio-economic gaps and demands of the local community. These undertakings will more likely provide several important ideas that would suffice related and relevant literatures, which will be used for the creation of better socio-economic growth in Malaysia. The passage from under-development to development means that several inter-related processes occur simultaneously. In an economic sense, development entails the transformation of simple subsistence economies into complex monetary economies. In the process, an increase in the proportion of products that is sold or exchanged and a decline in the proportion of consumption may take place concurrently. The study was carried out to determine the socio-economic demands and gaps of the local population and suggest assistance and interventions required. The overall results of this study reveal the challenges faced at the community level in the District of Bentong in the context of social and economy. This study was carried out via a structured survey throughout the district involving 300 respondents and also complemented with a Focus Group Discussion carried out with key stakeholders. The study findings were also supported with secondary data compilation of journals, articles and speeches.