International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


The Climatic Risk of Intense Weather Cooling in April Across South-Western Romania Case Study: Extreme Weather Cooling and the Frosts within the 07 – 09.IV.2003 Interval

Open access

Andreea Floriana Marinica, Dana Maria (Oprea) Constantin, Ion Marinica, Victor Viorel Vatamanu

Pages 51-62 Received: 09 Feb, 2014 Revised: 23 Apr, 2014 Published Online: 15 Jun, 2014
Even though April is regarded as the first month of the warm season, which begins after only 10 days from the winter solstice, the air temperature rises rapidly, and the transition into spring is swift and frequently occurs prematurely. Under the conditions of global warming, in south-western Romania it is observed a rise in the recurrence of warm April months or even extremely warm, and the growing tendency of air temperatures. However in some years late spring chills and powerful frosts arise which perturbs the vegetation in advanced stages of development. Consequently, the destructive effects are intense and the damages brought upon the economy are significant, having an impact on the tree, grapes, vegetables and even cereals crops. The study addresses in particular the event of the most intense cooling of April amongst the entire recorded history of meteorological data in Romania and is part of an extended series of essays regarding the weather variability in south-western Romania. It aids undergraduates, postgraduates, climatologists and every specialist interested in climate change.
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In-Text Citation: (Marinica et al., 2014)
To Cite this Article: Marinica, A. F. D. M. (Oprea) C., Marinica, I., & Vatamanu, V. V. (2014). The Climatic Risk of Intense Weather Cooling in April Across South-Western Romania Case Study: Extreme Weather Cooling and the Frosts within the 07 – 09.IV.2003 Interval. International Journal of Academic Research in Enviornment & Geography, 1(1), 51–62.