The evaluation of the impact on the soil in the Alba Forest District had as study the environmental-soil component, in terms of quantifying the anthropic impact pressure in the Alba Iulia Forest District. The purpose of the research was based on the premise that, although mining and industrial activities in the cities of Zlatna and Alba Iulia were stopped 15 years ago, and the permitted limit values of pollution indicators decreased, on average there are still remains from the sources of pollution from waste dumps and industrial waste deposits. Gradual soil pollution has affected the quality of forest vegetation (visible both in the forest litter and in its depth). The case study conducted in 2019 by the joint team of ecologists and geographers, focused on quantifying the anthropic impact on the soil by calculating the Average Index (Imed) of the impact of anthropic pressure RI-, followed by recommendations on soil quality restoration.
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In-Text Citation: (Bujor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bujor, L., Benciu, F., Vilcu, D.-M., Bogan, E., Constantin, D. M., & Grigore, E. (2021). Evaluation of the Anthropic Impact on the Environmental – Soil Factor Case Study: Alba Iulia Forest District, Romania. International Journal of Academic Research in Enviornment & Geography, 8(1), 11–29.
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