Pollution caused by anthropic activity (agriculture, industry, non-compliant domestic activities) affects water quality in the long run, especially when the causes of the pollution source are not correctly identified, so remedy measures will be ineffective. This is the situation of the aquifer system Strate de Fratesti through the water bodies ROAG 11, ROAG 12 and ROAG 13, located inside the Arges-Vedea Hydrographic Space.
Due to the economic importance of these bodies of water for the municipality of Slobozia in Ialomita County, numerous studies have been conducted that have analyzed the quality of water in the aquifer (ROAG 12). These studies identified the frequent exceeding of the ammonium ion concentration in the aquifer, but the processes through which it enters the aquifer were not highlighted. The contradictory information presented in the studies and the lack of correct scientific explanations regarding the presence of ammonium ion in groundwater led to the approach of this issue from a geochemical point of view.
The conclusions based on geochemical considerations show that the source of ammonium ion pollution cannot be attributed to the geological substrate, so the source is certainly anthropic, without proving the source of the pollutant. It is recommended to continue studies on the exact identification, on a scientific basis, of pollution sources, their cessation and the urgent remediation of the affected environmental factors.
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In-Text Citation: (Benciu, et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Benciu, F., Enciu, M., Vilcu, D.-M., Bogan, E., Bujor, L., Constantin, D. M., & Grigore, E. (2020). Geochemical Considerations - Chemical Considerations in the Environmental Impact Assessment for Areas Affected by Industrial Activity. Case Study - Slobozia Aquifer Area, Ialomita County. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment & Geography. 7(1), 35-45.
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