International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


The Touristic Potential of Calcareous Geomorphosites along Bahna - Baia de Arama Mesozoic Limestone Bar

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The Mehedin?i Plateau is divided into two parts by a central structural calcareous bar, named Bahna-Baia de Aram? Depression. This central area consists of a Mesozoic limestone bar that includes the main cave systems of the Mehedin?i Plateau. These represent the geomorphosites with high scientific values, including numerous subsystems that will be analyzed as geomorphosites themselves.
This paper determines the touristic potential value by calculating the Global Touristic Value (GTV) using an international method for each of the most important calcareous complexes along the limestone bar and some of their components. The Global Touristic Value includes the scientific, aesthetic, economic, historical and cultural values of the geomorphosites, each of these values being calculated according to some criteria.
Another goal concerns the analysis of the impact of several factors, both on the touristic caves and on the caves with high touristic potential, these being important elements in the karst landscapes of the area. The main karst systems analyzed are Epuran-Topolni?a, Z?ton-Ponoare-Bulba karst systems and Balta karst area.
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In-Text Citation: (Iamandei, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Iamandei, I. M. (2019). The Touristic Potential Of Calcareous Geomorphosites Along Bahna - Baia De Arama Mesozoic Limestone Bar. International Journal Of Academic Research In Geography And Environment, 6(1), 14–27.