International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


The Usefulness of Applying Quantification, Statistical Method and Computer Programming In Geographical Explanation of Phenomena

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Geography over the years faced varying degrees of difficulties in explaining and quantifying complex geographical phenomena in space. This is because the techniques involved in the handling of such complex geographical phenomena were on available and limited in ideological conception. This factors limited geographical knowledge to a mere descriptive explanation. This situation of non-scientific inquiring presented geographical knowledge to a high level criticism. Plato, Aristotle ptolemy and many other geographical scholars having been confronted with different complex variables on the earth surface with unanticipated complexity such that the need to apply quantification in other to separate similar but varying geographical data became inevitably clear. This ushered in the use of Mathematical application in solving geographical data; relying on the improvement and the usefulness of geographical data in resolving complex geographical variables. This paper argues that geography will effectively and accurately resolve the issue (problem) of what is where, and why through a systematic classification that involves the use of quantification (scientific method). in explaining the phenomena in space.
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In-Text Citation: (Harrison, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Harrison, A. C. (2018). The Usefulness of Applying Quantification, Statistical Method and Computer Programming In Geographical Explanation of Phenomena. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geopgraphy, 5(1), 99–107.