International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


How possible the Coastal Erosion and Coastal Deposition to Influenced on the Life Quality of Kemeruk Residents? A Structure Equation Model Study

Open access
Coastal erosion is a natural process that breakdown the rock and the sediments at the shoreline, which causing the economic loss, ecological damage, and societal problems. This study investigates the coastal erosion and deposition that occur in Kemeruk residents. In-depth literature reviews were conducted to gather information of the coastal erosion and deposition that affect the human life, as well as adaptation approach in reducing the disaster. Through the reviews, eight domains of coastal erosion and deposition model are emerged from the study. The model was further validated with a quantitative survey study involving 83 residents that settled at Kemeruk villages. The findings established model for coastal erosion and deposition which focuses at Kemeruk villages.
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In-Text Citation: (Jaafar, Yusoff, Hua, & Ping, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Jaafar, S. N., Yusoff, M. M., Hua, A. K., & Ping, O. W. (2018). How possible the Coastal Erosion and Coastal Deposition to Influenced on the Life Quality of Kemeruk Residents? A Structure Equation Model Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geopgraphy, 5(1), 59–69.