International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


Grounded Model in Accessible Tourism Case Study: Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan City

Open access
This study investigated the accessible tourism in Kuala Lumpur, which specifically focuses on people with disabled. Face-to-face interview with local authority and non-governmental organizations were conducted to gather information of tourism industry, which concentrated on facilities and services provided. Through domain analysis, accessible tourism model is emerged from the data. The model is further validated with quantitative survey study involving 94 participants with disabled in visual impairment and physical challenged. The finding established a grounded model for accessible tourism in the Kuala Lumpur city.
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In-Text Citation: (Ishak, Hua, & Ping, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ishak, S. A., Hua, A. K., & Ping, O. W. (2018). Grounded Model in Accessible Tourism Case Study: Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan City. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geopgraphy, 5(1), 49–58.