This paper examines the various metals that are associated with land contamination for instances arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, and mercury that are well known as the ingredient of contamination of the ecology in the region where there is a high rate of anthropogenic burden. The study investigates land contamination in Pakistan's context. The researches have used the quantitative method to analyze the most recent literature available on the land contamination of Pakistan following funnel approach. The three main steps followed to analyze are first, assessment of the site initially, secondly, assessment of the exposure of the contaminated site that also contains a survey of few places and the amount of contamination found and lastly, remediation of the site.
The finding revealed that the contamination in Pakistan is both men made as well due to the terrain they belong to that contains various anthropogenic elements, which are harmful to live beings. Additionally, it is evident that the different elements, which can cause soil contamination, are higher in many places in Pakistan than the standard or tolerable rate mentioned by WHO and other survey board. Lastly, the paper confirms that the pollution can be reduced only if there is a reduction in the manmade cause of the land contamination such as oil spill and other industrial emissions that constitute most of Pakistan’s land contamination.
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In-Text Citation: (Zia, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Zia, M. Q. (2018). Integration and Analysis of Resource Inventory Data for Risk Assessments of Environmental Contamination in Mixed Use Landscapes in Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geopgraphy, 5(1), 1–13.
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