International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


Sustainable Tourism in Poring Hot Spring Sabah: An Experience

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Poring Hot Spring are one of the tourists attraction destination in Sabah, which applied the sustainability concept in maintain the tourists’ arrival to the area. Based on the sustainability applied in Poring Hot Spring, there are several categories to be concern namely the natural environment, services, facilities accommodations and transportations, and friendly approach in local citizen towards the tourists. Due to these advantages, the tourists arrival will be increase and this will help the Poring Hot Spring to be more develop with practices the conservation and preservation concept from destruction towards the environment of flora and fauna.
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In-Text Citation: (Hua, 2016)
To Cite this Article: Hua, A. K. (2016). Sustainable Tourism in Poring Hot Spring Sabah: An Experience. International Journal of Academic Research in Enviornment & Geography, 3(1), 34–40.