International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


Topographycal Habsburg military activity in Romania

Open access
The first of the Habsburg Empire topographical / terrain Raising Iozefini called in the original German, Josephinische Landesaufnahme, was the first unified project that aimed to map the entire surface area of the empire. Iozefini topographic survey was commenced under the reign of Queen Maria Theresa and was completed under the Emperor Joseph II. The maps were drawn by hand, about the scale of 1:28.800 or, more precisely, as usual in time units of measure of 1 inch Viennese corresponded to 400 klafteri. There are no records in altitude value. Playing variations in altitude was made by hatches and not contours. The maps have mostly historical value. They help locate missing today settlements and ancient hearths location of some communities. Exhibits show the traditional look of the old Romanian and Serbian villages, with houses scattered arrangement situation before their systematization.