International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


Public Perception towards Environmental Awareness Case Study: Malacca River

Open access
Water is an important resource for all living and non-living beings. However, there is a shortage of fresh water nowadays. This situation is related to various factors. One of these factors is water pollution. Water pollution occurs in Malacca state. Specifically, it affects the Malacca River. The main cause of water pollution is factories. If factories continue their activities, the environment will be harmed. Action is needed to stop this pollution before it destroys the environment. This research will explore the level of awareness of citizens in regards to water pollution. This research is divided into three parts. Part A analyzes the respondents’ biodata. Part B investigates citizens’ perceptions of river ecology. Part C describes citizens’ perceptions of water pollution in the river. This study is a starting point meant to discover how great of a threat citizens view water pollution. Malaccan citizens have the right to voice their opinions regarding the water pollution. Their knowledge of the ecosystem showed that they still love the environment. They are embedded with moral and ethical values that dispose them towards caring about the environment. They know that they still have a responsibility to the environment. The people realized they can protect the environment from destruction. Malaccan citizens hope that by taking early steps, they can stop the polluting manufacturing activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Hua & Marsuki, 2014)
To Cite this Article: Hua, A. K., & Marsuki, M. Z. (2014). Public Perception towards Environmental Awareness Case Study: Malacca River. International Journal of Academic Research in Enviornment & Geography, 1(2), 66–79.