The paper analyzes the interdependence between business ethics and sustainability applied on tourism. First, it outlines the general framework, sustainability and holistic ethics, developed further in theory and practical examples. The main objective is to realize an analyses of the collected data from the ethical perspective: the magnitude of tourism’ industry today and its trends which endanger or could aid durability; the frame of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism: the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism; the main characteristics, on multiple faces, of the sustainable tourism; innovations in sustainable tourism; the demand's assessment for ethical consumption on tourism – all of this based on documentation, statistic data, chronological surveys in order to outline the development's tendencies of the territory where business ethics, sustainability and tourism join. And the junction (when it happens) starts first in one’s mind as its core values, emerging his attitude and behavior and those of other related individuals to smalls group, wider communities, a global net. This potential radiation is the reason why this paper argumentatively pledges towards values as sustainability, cooperation, altruism, equity
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In-Text Citation: (Zaharia, 2014)
To Cite this Article: Zaharia, I. (2014). Business Ethics and Sustainability on Tourism: Assessing the Offer, the Demand and the Innovations. International Journal of Academic Research in Enviornment and Geography, 1(1), 63–78.
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