International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


The Level at which Accounting Professors Use Information Technology at Universities

Open access
Since education is affected by technological developments, more than anything else, it needs to equip itself to the latest technologies. In this research, we have reviewed the reasons of disagreements in choosing technology in accounting educations in MA and PHD courses. This research which is an applied survey research is performed through choosing 11 different technologies and sending questionnaire to two groups of professors in MA and PHD courses of state and Azad universities, then by using this information we analyzed the results. The measurement tool in this research has been questionnaire, and research population has been the professors of MA and PHD of accounting course in state, Azad, Payam-Noor and nonprofit universities of Iran. Statistical method of this research is t test. The results indicate that there is a significant difference between uses of above mentioned cases between two groups of accounting professors of MA and PHD courses of state and Azad universities. Practical solution to cover this gap is to use more information technology in accounting education, in order to improve the quality of education by dear professors in one side, and the affairs of students in learning modern technologies and applying them practically in another side.