International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Assessment of Challenges facing Small and Medium Enterprises towards International Marketing Standards: a Case Study of Arusha Region Tanzania

Open access
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) new or existing, often face challenges when approach products providers for both enterprise fixed capital investment and market standards. The insufficient supply of microloans is a major issue, particularly where business creators are unemployed persons. This study aims to assess challenges facing Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) towards international marketing standards. Study findings show that SME’s face challenges to access international marketing unaware of regulations and standards, lack of financial support from the Government, poor understanding of consumer’s needs and services, lack of essential entrepreneurial skills and weak networking structures to penetrate into international marketing. The study therefore recommends the improvement of information that is available to SME owners; to the government and other partners avail accessibility to financial facilities with reasonable interest rate of return, encourage more advertisements and use of up to date technology for business and international marketing standards through seminars and trainings on entrepreneurship, and networking structures for export and import of goods and services. The study also recommends that the government supports SME’s to ensure that they play their role in helping improve the economy of Tanzania and improve the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).