International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Cosmetic Surgery Industry in Brazil: An Assessment Using Cause and Effect Model and Risk Assessment Matrix

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Brazil ranks only second after the United States for the most cosmetic procedures performed in the year 2017. The impressive number of Brazilian cosmetic procedures highlights a profitable market that tends to attract business opportunities to this area. Hence, this study strive to analyze the risk and consequences of cosmetic surgery to physical and mental health as the hidden costs for beauty in Brazil, and recommend areas for improvement to the cosmetic surgery industry in Brazil aimed at combating the issues of surgical failure in the country. Risk and Assessment Matrix was adopted to analyse the risks and consequences of cosmetic surgery to physical and mental health of patients, and the Cause and Effect Model Lastly was employed to identify the possible root causes for Brazilians to risk their life for beauty. The findings showed that the different types of cosmetic surgery complications carry different level of risks and consequences to patients, and the evolving cosmetic surgery trend in Brazil is driven by the factors include culture, cost of offering, growing economy of the country, and celebrity trend. Lastly, recommendations are given to business practitioners and government.
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To cite this article: Teo, P.-C., Lim, K.G.J., Ho, T.C.F., Yin, T.S. (2020). Cosmetic Surgery Industry in Brazil: An Assessment Using Cause and Effect Model and Risk Assessment Matrix, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 10 (1): 157-164.