International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Mediating Effects of HRM Practices in Organizational Justice on Innovative Work Behavior among the Hotel Industry of Pakistan

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Justice is an important element in any organization. Innovative work behavior and Human Resource Management practices (HRMPs) are affected by organizational justice (Distributive, Procedural, Interpersonal & informational). For this paper distributive justice is selected as an independent variable. The purpose of this paper is to explore the mediating effect of HRM practices in organizational justice on innovative work behavior among the hotel industry of Pakistan. In total, 151 personnel were selected from 21 hotels from different cities of Pakistan. The survey instrument was adapted for collecting data. Top/middle management is selected for this study, therefore, convenience and purposive sampling technique is adopted Findings were drawn using descriptive analysis, bivariate correlation, linear regression; and mediation was tested by using Prof.Hayes model 4 by using SPSS version 25. Results revealed that organizational justice is significantly related to the innovative work behavior of employees & HRMPs significantly mediated. Findings of this study suggested that distributive justice is an important factor for creating innovative work behavior of employees. Further the top/middle management with higher organizational justice is taken to create new ideas with innovation which can be beneficial for the hotels and employees. The study provides essential information about the impact of distributive justice on innovative work behavior of employees of the hotel industry. The outcomes of this research are expected to improve further research and literature on organizational justice, HRM practices and innovative work behavior.
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To cite this article: Ismail, U. (2020). Mediating Effects of HRM Practices in Organizational Justice on Innovative Work Behavior among the Hotel Industry of Pakistan, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 10 (1): 132-148.