International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Managing Teacher Education: The Development of Transformational Leadership Competency Model

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Transformational leadership is an important competency that should be honed by all the leaders in order to assist teacher educators in upholding the transformation of teacher education. Particularly, transformational leaders play significant roles in communicating and visualising the transformation vision and missions among teacher educators. Thus, this study aimed to develop a substantiated Transformational Leadership Competency Model (TLCM) to capitalize on transformational leadership practice in teachers training colleges. Structural equation modelling was employed to test the models. All the good fit measurement models were validated through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Moreover, the study discovered an acceptable convergent validity, discriminant validity, construct validity and internal consistency for the TLCM.
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To cite this article: Supermane, S. (2020). Managing Teacher Education: The Development of Transformational Leadership Competency Model, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 10 (1): 125-131.