International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Social Media Marketing as a Tool to Manage Luxury Brands

Open access
To try to understand what the role of social media is in the process of starting and developing brand value. Furthermore, it will be examined how the transformation from brand loyalty to "brand trust" takes place. A survey will be carried out to bring participants to navigate on the Facebook page of a luxury brand. The aim is to measure the role of Social Media Marketing, by completing a questionnaire, in the process of developing brand value and strengthening affection for the brand. Thanks to an analysis of the reference literatures and through an analysis of the case, we have come to understand how, in luxury, social media contribute to developing brand value and strengthening affection
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To cite this article: Granata, G. Scozzese, G. (2019). Social Media Marketing as a Tool to Manage Luxury Brands, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (4): 280-284