International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Challenging the Current Shariah Screening Methodology Assessments in Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index (KLSI)

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The purpose of this study is to explain the justification behind the current Shariah screening methodology assessments used by KLSI, which differs from other major Shariah screening methodology around the world. Besides, this study is also attempts to investigate on the intention to entitle Shariah-compliant status by Public Listed Companies (PLCs) in Malaysia. This study employed a series of interviews with five individuals who are involves with KLSI Shariah screening methodology as data collection procedure. Thus, this study found a number of justifications on the reasons behind the current Shariah screening methodology assessments used by KLSI. This includes reasons on the adoption of additional 20% tolerable percentage, additional criteria on corporate image and maslaha (public benefits) and also views on the leniency of current KLSI Shariah screening methodology assessments. Besides, this study also identified several measures to identify the intention to entitle Shariah-compliant status by PLCs. This includes voluntary application, effort of de-listed PLCs to be listed as Shariah-compliant for the following year, impact of Shariah-compliant status especially on the share prices and potential investors, good corporate image on maintaining Shariah-compliant status and the core value of the business. Then, this study also provide several recommendations to be considered for future improvement especially on Shariah screening methodology assessment.
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To cite this article: Ayedh, A.M.A., Kamaruddin, M.I.H., Shaharuddin, A. (2019). Challenging the Current Shariah Screening Methodology Assessments in Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index (KLSI), International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (4): 253-268