International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Financial Reporting in European Football Teams: A Disclosure Analysis of Player Registrations

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This paper critically analyses disclosure reporting and transparent valuation of the impairment test application (IAS 36) on intangible assets (IAS 38) in football clubs that prepare financial statements in accordance with IAS/IFRS and UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations. Following a three-step procedure, the paper examines the financial statements of all the companies listed on the STOXX Europe Football Index for a five-year period (2012-2016). The research reveals some interesting and some controversial findings. Several football clubs exhibit a low level of disclosure and others a high one. Therefore, this study focuses on specific areas that primarily relate to economic and financial communication, as financial statements need to provide contextual disclosure. The study pioneers constructive criticism in relation to financial documentation and reporting produced by football companies. IAS/IFRS require further development in order to adapt typologies of specific sustainable business models for all the companies in the football industry.
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To cite this article: Gazzola, P., Amelio, S., Fragkoulis Papagiannis, F., V?t?m?nescu, E.-M. (2019). Financial Reporting in European Football Teams: A Disclosure Analysis of Player Registrations, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (4): 182-206