International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Analysis of Fundamental Factors on Stock Price

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The purpose of this research is as follows: 1) to assess ROA's influence on the stock price; 2) to assess the effect of CR on the stock price; 3) to review DER's influence on the stock price; 4) to review the PER's influence on the stock price; and 5) to assess the influence of PBV on the stock price. The type of research used in this research is casual associative research (causal associative research). The population in this research is a Banking company which is included in the Kompas 100 index listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the year of 2012-2016. Selection of samples by purposive sampling method. The analysis method used to test the hypothesis is multiple regression tests. The results show that: 1) Return On Assets has a positive effect on the stock price; 2) Current Ratio has a positive effect on the stock price; 3) Debt to Equity Ratio negatively affects the stock price; 4) Price Earning Ratio is positively influential but not significant to the stock price; and 5) Price to Book Value has no effect on the stock price.
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To cite this article: RBintara, R., Wahyudi, S. M., Molina (2019). Analysis of Fundamental Factors on Stock Price, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (4): 169-181