International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Construction and Structure of the Basic Model Used in Macroeconomic Analysis

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In the study of macroeconomic models, we mainly start from a basic model, which explains the correlations that are established between the economic variables and the proportions that must exist between them, so that a balanced evolution can be achieved, which has the effect of at the macroeconomic level. The balance is not maintained automatically and therefore some measures must be taken to ensure the return of production to an appropriate level characterized by stability. Normally, unemployment is a balancing element in the sense that, when production is realized above market demands, a restructuring of the workforce is needed. This can be done through professional conversion or through unemployment. The issue regarding what is more advantageous, the production of unsold stocks at the level of the national economy or in a certain field, or the cessation of its production, with the effect of passing a number of employees into unemployment, must be addressed. Also, another element that causes distortions in maintaining the balance, which we find in the basic model, is that of inflation. Inflation, as opposed to deflation, is a factor that influences consumption and at the same time influences investment. Consumption is influenced in the sense that if inflation is very high, prices increase and then consumption is reduced. But all inflation causes a part of the monetary mass to be released and thus to return to the equilibrium element. Liquidity must be correlated with inflation and the mechanism of inflation.
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To cite this article: Iacob, S.V., Petre (Olteanu), A., Olteanu, C., Stoica, R. (2019). Construction and Structure of the Basic Model Used in Macroeconomic Analysis, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (4): 36-42