International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Validity Analysis of Graduate Entrepreneurship Career Determination Module (ECDM) Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach (CBT)

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The purpose of this study is to obtain the content validity of the Entrepreneurship Career Determination Module (ECDM) based on the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy offering a treatment approach towards the reconstruction of cognitive, trust and more positive behavior. The first phase study was conducted to construct a draft module through library research. Second phase study is to obtain the face validity and the validity of the module content. The third phase of the study is to get expert panel views and comments in the aspects of module content, sessions and activities of ECDM-CBT. The sample of the study consists of 18 experts in the field of psychology and counseling. The first phase findings resulted in 8 sessions and 20 activities within ECDM- CBT. The second phase findings show the validity value of module content according to Russel (1974) and shows that the value of validity session and activity module of ECDM-CBT is 86.8. The third phase findings show feedback and modules improvements in terms of content, sessions and activities by expert panels. At the end of this study will be able to know the aspects that need improvement before a pilot study can be conducted.
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To cite this article: Mohaiyuddin, N., Kardi, N., Arip, M.A.S. (2019). Validity Analysis of Graduate Entrepreneurship Career Determination Module (ECDM) Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach (CBT), International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (3): 318-328