International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Influence of Strategic Implementation Drivers on Performance of Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority in Kenya

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Successful implementation of strategies by organizations leads to achievement of set performance goals and objectives. This is due to the fact that strategies defines where the organization needs to go, the means to reach there, the required resources and the participants to facilitate realization of the goals. The current study sought to unveil the influence of strategic implementation drivers on performance of Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority (TARDA). The study sought to establish the influence of resource availability, organizational culture, top management support and government policies on performance of TARDA. The study was informed by Resource Based Theory, Schein’s Theory of Organizational culture, Path Goal Leadership Theory and Policy Theory. A descriptive research design was adopted in the study. The target population comprised of employees in top, middle and lower management levels from TARDA’s main office with a sample of 189 respondents. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed by employing descriptive statistics and inferential analysis using SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that resource availability, organizational culture and top management support, positively and significantly influence performance of TARDA. The study however established that government policies negatively influence performance of the Authority. The new policy environment presents various challenges to the Authority. The study recommends that the management of TARDA should focus on availing resources by diversifying its financial resource base and not only relying on the Exchequer for funding, having training sessions on employees before the start of the implementation process and adopting relevant technology during the implementation process. The study also recommends that the management of TARDA should focus on enhancing its organizational culture by offering mentorship programs to junior employees on the ways and means to carry out set activities, establishing structures that guides execution of activities, having a culture that encourages employees loyalty and sense of belonging and having a supportive culture that overcomes internal resistance to change. The study further recommends that the management of TARDA should focus on enhancing its top management support by prioritizing on implementing the strategies, helping employees with means to discharge their duties successfully, practicing participatory leadership and having incentives that positively influence performance of employees in the Authority.
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To cite this article: Nga’ng’a, E.W., Deya, J. (2019). Influence of Strategic Implementation Drivers on Performance of Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority in Kenya, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (3): 274-286