International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Segment Reporting Practices and Determinants: Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Companies

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This study aims to examine the extent and variety of operating segment disclosure among Malaysian public listed companies following the adoption of a new standard MFRS 8 Operating Segment. It further investigates the associations between firm characteristics (firm size, profitability and industrial membership) and the level of compliance to MFRS 8. Using content analysis on a final sample of 97 public listed firms on Bursa Malaysia, the results show that the average level of disclosure on operating segment is 73% and that the most reported items are both profit and loss, and external revenue at 8.56% respectively. Meanwhile, the highest segmental information disclosure variety is found to be 11 out of 16 items with only 20.62% firms found to comply with such disclosure variety. The results also indicate that industrial membership affects the level of segmental reporting compliance. The research outcomes serve as a valuable benchmark for comparison with other emerging nations in terms of the level of compliance to segment reporting practices and provide more insights into the interactions between the level of compliance and firm characteristics.
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To cite this article: Mutalib, F. A., Jaafar, H. (2019). Segment Reporting Practices and Determinants: Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Companies, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (3): 264-273