International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Threshold Mean Reversion and Regime Changes of Cryptocurrencies using SETAR-MSGARCH Models

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In this paper we explores as to whether cryptocurrency returns exhibit asymmetric reverting patterns and we test the presence of regime changes in the GARCH volatility dynamics of Bitcoin log–returns. For these reason, we uses non-linear autoregressive and Markov–switching GARCH (SETAR-MSGARCH) models. We ?nds strong evidence of regime changes in the mean and GARCH process. In addition, we conclude that bad news and good news of the same size have same impacts for investors.
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To cite this article: Hamida, H.B.H., Scalera, F. (2019). Threshold Mean Reversion and Regime Changes of Cryptocurrencies using SETAR-MSGARCH Models, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (3): 221-229